All videos will be judged not only on rider and horse style, but also the suitability for their chosen class. Here are some tips on how to excel in each class!
PLEASE NOTE: The example videos are not necessarily the most stylish, but are to give you an idea of the type of videos that can be submitted and an example of how the same horse & rider can enter more than one class.
Working Hunter classes
The judge will be looking for a smooth round, with the horse moving forward at all times in a good hunting pace. Horse/pony conformation and type is important in this class too. Jumps do NOT need to be rustic.
Show Jumping classes
The judge would like to see an athletic and careful horse with natural ability. Use of the arena will be taken into account and videos may demonstrate jump-off lines. Jumps may be coloured or rustic but should have a knock-down top rail.
Eventing classes
The judge will be looking for a bold, clever and willing horse that moves nicely and jumps in a balanced manner. Obstacles may be show jumps, rustic or simulated cross country.
REMEMBER: It is not just the most stylish riders and horses that will earn their place in the final and the chance at winning the Jumps2go Search for a Superstar. Wildcards will be awarded to entrants who show effort and enthusiasm for Jumps2go and they will progress directly to the final irrespective of their style mark or placing!